
Posted by its_joy, 03-29-2008, 07:20 AM
hi, i have installed antivirus.exim on server but if i like to set filters for certain domain how can i set it? if i set 25 as global but i like to set more then 50 filter for only one domain is it possible? if yes then how? Thank you.

Posted by david510, 03-29-2008, 02:17 PM
You can search for the existing rules inside the file. Try creating the same kind of rules.

Posted by uploadalerts, 03-29-2008, 10:44 PM
I am assuming you are speaking about cpanel server in this case. if i set 25 as global but i like to set more then 50 filter for only one domain is it possible? --> Yes if yes then how? --> Each user account has a filter file in /etc/vfilter/ , where same filtering rules can be added from cpanel ( email->Filtering) you can add the 50 line code in /etc/vfilter/ , but make sure that the start and end syntax are correct. Better add a test rule from the users cpanel and then insert the rest rules in between. Use/test at own risk.

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