Drop-down header (yahoo like?)

Posted by coume, 03-13-2010, 07:40 AM
Hello, I struggled to find the right title for the thread so I apologize for that. Basically, I will be re-developing my forum and I want to encourage user to access the website from the root rather than to the forum URL directly... I would like to create a drop-down header, like you can see on Yahoo: http://uk.yahoo.com/?p=us Basically, if the previous page is not mydomain.com, it would advise them to go there to make the most of the experience... The question is: Do you know where I could find such drop-down header script depending on the previous URL? or how I could do a test on the previous URL? Any pointer,idea or comment to code this, will be more than welcome Thanks Ludo

Posted by jweeb, 03-13-2010, 12:56 PM
which header on yahoo are you referring to?

Posted by coume, 03-13-2010, 01:13 PM
If I go to http://fr.yahoo.com/?p=us for instance, I get a drop down header where it is written: And then you can select to remain on the Yahoo France version by clicking on the Yellow button or to go to Yahoo.com in following the provided link. Can you see the header following the above link? Thanks Ludo

Posted by Driver01, 03-13-2010, 01:31 PM
It looks as though it makes use of javascript for the header appear maybe jquery, so you could intergrate that with the document.referrer command to make it appear if not your domain and not if it is. Not foolproof and will not work for clients with js off, php has a similair function too but again not foolproof but both together should catch most. Example of jquery; http://www.moretechtips.net/2009/02/...referrals.html Last edited by Driver01; 03-13-2010 at 01:35 PM.

Posted by coume, 03-13-2010, 02:13 PM
Thanks Driver01. It should get me started

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