Mysql query LIKE%

Posted by net4all, 03-12-2010, 05:32 AM
I got a special mysql-problem: I have a table containing addresses (zip-codes, streets,...) and want to search addresses by zip-code in that way: you enter '90210' and the results are all addresses in that area. You enter '9' and the results are all addresses starting with that number, but without the results containing that number in the second, third position of the zip code - for example: 80194 (wrong result), 92374 (correct result),... How can I proceed such a query in mysql? Now I'm using SELECT id,zip,address,state FROM addresses WHERE state='ca' AND zip LIKE '%9%' but that doesn't work - so I deleted the first '%' but it doesn't work neither - any tips? Would be happy if someboy could help me .

Posted by sasha, 03-12-2010, 08:59 AM
zip LIKE '9%' - will get you results starting with 9

Posted by energizedit, 03-12-2010, 09:56 AM
That is strange because that is the right query to get the results you want. %9% will search for anything before 9 and anything after 9.

Posted by tim2718281, 03-12-2010, 10:15 AM
SELECT id,zip,address,state FROM addresses WHERE zip BETWEEN '90000' AND '99999'; You can if you wish create an index on zip; and you may not need to specify state in the query.

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