Limit concurrent users in MySQL

Posted by ThaiZone, 01-15-2008, 02:49 AM
I try to search and not found the solutions to limit concurrent of db users to connect to MySQL in same time for example: Limit user root to connect to MySQL maximum 5 connections in same time There have max_connections setting but it limit for all users in all connection to MySQL. But I found that in version 4.1.x there have max_connections property in user table (Users and global privileges) of mysql database, this setting is limit connection in 60 minutes. I would like to know if there any setting or code modify for this solution that I want.

Posted by david510, 01-15-2008, 03:55 AM
Set the value as below in /etc/my.cnf file and restart mysql. set-variable = max_user_connections=5

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