CNAME or A record in DNS Zone?

Posted by olddocks, 01-14-2008, 08:14 AM
i have just created a dns ZONE for my domain, but i dont know what to use for ftp service. i looked up in cpanel dns zone records for the domain i created and it looks like this... i am confused what to use CNAME or A record for an FTP entry what is the difference? what if i change to confused Also, how many A records i can place in zone file? Thanks

Posted by ub3r, 01-14-2008, 08:22 AM
cname is an alias, if you set ftp in cname then it'll require 2 dns queries, one to get's record, and another to get's record. If you just make it an A record, only one query to get the record for will be required. you can put as many A records as you cant in a zone file.

Posted by foobic, 01-14-2008, 09:13 AM
Only if the CNAME points to a different domain, not served by the same nameservers. If the same nameservers are authoritative for both, as is probably the case here, they'll most likely return both results for a single query - the CNAME and the A it points to. (In short, it doesn't matter which you use). Or even more!

Posted by david510, 01-14-2008, 10:26 PM
Cname and A record do the same purpose. It helps to point to a IP address. If you need to point to and dont know the IP address of, just add CNAME for "one" to inside the zone of

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