
Posted by pilsentico, 04-22-2009, 03:41 PM
Hi i got an error when trying to run a CGI script on the sgci-bin folder. How can i set the nobodyuser? scgiwrap: Caller must be the nobody user What should i do to solve this problem?

Posted by DaveDark, 04-22-2009, 04:44 PM
Sounds like Apache is set up to run cgi scripts as the nobody user. If you're the server owner, you should recompile Apache with Suexec so that CGI scripts are run as the virtualhost owner. If you're not the server owner, ask your host to recompile Apache with Suexec. Running Apache without Suexec support allows scripts owned by the nobody user to be executed which potentially have access to files outside of the script owner's web root and can also be difficult to track down when hogging resources.

Posted by david510, 04-23-2009, 03:05 AM
Is "ScriptAlias" set to this folder inside httpd.conf file?

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