How do I control the number of user downloading and the download speed?

Posted by celular, 09-20-2008, 11:04 PM
hello, I am planning to rent a dedicated server with unmetered bandwidth to allow my visitors to download big files in my website but i have no idea how to control the transfer rate, the number of connections and make a "wait list" the idea is to make 50 download slots and one person = 1 connection of 40~50KB/s, and another downloads in wait list that automatically starts when he finishes to download the first file please somebody can help me? what do i need to make it? thx

Posted by Xeentech, 09-21-2008, 09:06 AM
If you're using apache (2.*) there is a module called cband that can do a lot of what you're after. Cband + mod_xsendfile and a little CGI/PHP could easily be rigged to do this.

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