utterly confused about external links?

Posted by gg2327, 09-14-2007, 11:02 PM
have a few different list of links in my link section for eg one page i give people links to about 20 or so games company where they can buy from. another has a small list of forums people can join eg, another list of places that i shop at.i do not have any reciprocal links with any of them and only included them cos i thought it would be handy for my readers. now can i leave the links or should i take it all off because all these external links would not help in my pr? there seems to be so many conflicting opinions how many external links can you have in a page before it's bad for you. would it be good idea to just use robots.txt on all these pages to be on the safe side? thank you for your help

Posted by MziB, 09-15-2007, 02:43 PM
if your talking about Google Page Rank than yeah google will index your list. You can have Billion links google will index them no link if bad for you. But its better if you have unique content rather than having a huge list of links.

Posted by gg2327, 09-15-2007, 04:03 PM
i do have lots of articles and such but what i want to know is if i should leave theses links on my page like the links to 20 games comapnies that my readers could go to or should i leave them all out and make my readers go type in the names of these companies in a search engine. these links are completely useless to me; they're not paid links, affiliate links or reciprocal links but it might be handy for my readers but if it's gpoing to affect my site negatively then i would rather leave them out because you shouldn'y have more external links than internal ones?

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