Script help with CSF - how to temporarily unblock IPs

Posted by sharmaine1111, 04-22-2009, 11:12 PM
Hello I'm trying to create a script or WHM plugin with permissions where resellers will have an ability to temporarily allow an IP address (mirror CSF's "ALLOW IP" function). I am not sure though how to do this. I have checked with CSF if its possible or if i can hire them to do such script but they won't help. Can someone from this forum help me? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you very much in advance.

Posted by DigitalLinx, 04-22-2009, 11:36 PM
I'm not sure about WHM, but you can add your resellers to the sudoers lists to be able to execute csf and iptables, however it's dangerous and I wouldn't recommend it since they can basically block the entire server. Another solution would be to setup a custom php page that accepts the IPs to be temporary allowed and saves then in a file then have a cron script running as root that does csf -a $IP, other than that I'm out of ideas.

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