Forwarding/Default+POP3 Addy Doesnt Work - Piping/Webmail Works

Posted by InfiniteTech, 09-13-2007, 02:06 PM
Hello, My server which runs cPanel (license issued touchsupport) is having problems with handling emails. I use an external DNS provider ( only for this 1 certain domain for handling many Records and such. Through their panel, I have added my mail server's record, i.e. "mailserver.tld". Now there is a problem with one part of the email issue. I have email piping setup and 1 webmail account setup too. These two work flawlessly. No issues with them. But email forwarding and default address doesn't work. I am confident that the email settings are working right because, when my clients send an email, piping works and my support system creates a new ticket. But the email forwarding/Default EMail doesn't. Not just that, I cannot even connect to the webmail account I created via POP3. I 100% sure that I used the correct login credentials and also tried the "+" and ":" for the username part. Just doesn't work. But I can access and read my emails via the Webmail (squirrelmail). Please help me out with this as soon as possible.

Posted by Patrick, 09-13-2007, 02:33 PM
Without seeing the Exim mail logs, it's hard to say for sure what may or may not be happening. Forward yourself an email and at the same time run the following command: tail -f /var/log/exim_mainlog Post the relevant log entries here...

Posted by InfiniteTech, 09-13-2007, 04:50 PM
Personally identifiable data has been censored with XXXX (domain) or 000 (IP).

Posted by InfiniteTech, 09-15-2007, 02:02 PM
Okay, solved the damn'd issue. What a **** story this was... glad its over!

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