VMWare IIS and SSL mystry

Posted by WebGuru72, 07-18-2007, 12:58 AM
Hello All, I have a very weird problem, I have a windows VMWare box (host is win2003 OS) it has a few guest 2003 servers running. the host OS does not have IIS installed its IP is one of the guest 2003 servers (IP has IIS. I issued temp SSL from the IIS console with the setting for all unassigned and get a trusted root SSL installed on it. Now when I got to the server by IP address, I get a warning that it is not matching the domain, however I see the right trusted SSL installed. however, if I go to the server with the FQDN, I see a warning message that it does not match the name and the certificate is showing that it was issued by the temp SSL from IP which is the ip of the host OS not the guest. I deleted the certificate and set the website on IIS to have as the IP of the website and created the SSL and got the trusted certificate reissued from the new CSR but it is still showing cerificate issued from the and I cannot clear it. it is driving me crazy. I went through the MMC for the installed certificate on the guest OS and did not see it there..... have you seen this before. what is driving me nut is how it picked up the IP of the host OS and not the guest and why it is not clearing out when I clear the SSL completely from teh website setting, it still listens on port 443

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