problem when set up dhcp server

Posted by tinhnho, 07-17-2007, 04:43 PM
I follow instruction from redhat to setup my Centos acts like a router. When i setup the dhcp server, at the end when i start the dhcp, it keeps getting me the failed error. So i believe that i need to use 'touch' command for first time start dhcp server but seem that no such file or directory for dhcpd.leases. Any idea? thanks

Posted by evOwl, 07-17-2007, 04:56 PM
Looks like a permission problem. Do you have write access to /var

Posted by SparkSupport, 07-17-2007, 05:03 PM
Is the folder /var/lib/dhcp really existing ?

Posted by tinhnho, 07-17-2007, 05:06 PM
nope. Do i have to create one ? then touch /var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases ? thanks note: i thought it should be created after 'yum install dhcp' Last edited by tinhnho; 07-17-2007 at 05:14 PM.

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