Problem with downloading XML file

Posted by Luka, 01-16-2008, 12:00 PM
Hello, I have a script that makes XML file with DOM , stores the file on server and sending a file to user's browser for downloading. XML is formated well and file looks good when I download it from server via FTP, but when file is downloaded with browser it has first line empty.This is end of script: // Sending a file to user's browser for downloading header('HTTP/1.1 200 OK'); header('Status: 200 OK'); header('Accept-Ranges: bytes'); header('Content-Type: text/xml'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $file_xml . '"'); echo file_get_contents($file_xml); What might be a problem here because it used to work on other server?

Posted by stdunbar, 01-16-2008, 01:57 PM
Can you publish a link to look at the data? While I would usually expect a Content-Length field that isn't required and should not result in the behavior you're seeing.

Posted by Luka, 01-16-2008, 02:16 PM
I cant provide you a link because its in admin area of site (site of my client not mine) and needs logging, but this is xml output in browser: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Posted by Luka, 01-16-2008, 02:18 PM
this is whole script: 1 ) { $cr_sql .= " OR ( o.orders_id > {$sub_crit[0]} AND o.orders_id < $sub_crit[1]) "; } else { $cr_sql .= " OR o.orders_id = {$cr_element}"; } } $cr_sql = ' (' . trim($cr_sql, ' OR') . ') '; } if ( $_POST['orders_date_start'] ) { $cr_sql .= ( $cr_sql ) ? ' AND ' : ''; $cr_sql .= " (o.date_purchased > '{$_POST['orders_date_start']}' AND o.date_purchased < '{$_POST['orders_date_end']}') "; } if ( $_POST['orders_status'] ) { $cr_sql .= ( $cr_sql ) ? ' AND ' : ''; $cr_sql .= " o.orders_status = {$_POST['orders_status']}"; } // Create node object function new_node($parent, $title, $attributes = false, $contents = false) { global $dom; // Creating node $node = $dom->createElement($title); // Adding attributes if available if ( is_array($attributes) ) { if ( @count($attributes) > 0 ) { foreach ( $attributes as $name => $value ) { $node->setAttribute($name, $value); } } } elseif ( is_string($attributes) ) { $node->setAttribute('n', $attributes); } if ( $contents ) { $node_text = $dom->createCDATASection($contents); $node->appendChild($node_text); } if ( is_object($parent) ) { $parent->appendChild($node); } return $node; } // Initializng DOM object $dom = new DomDocument('1.0', 'ISO-8859-1'); // Creating root element $root = new_node($dom, "pacsoftonline"); // meta //$root_meta = new_node($root, 'meta'); //new_node($root_meta, 'val', 'printer', ''); // Getting orders list $orders_sql = tep_db_query("SELECT *, o.orders_id as orders_id FROM orders o LEFT JOIN orders_total ot ON (o.orders_id = ot.orders_id AND ot.class = 'ot_shipping') WHERE ($cr_sql)"); while ( $order_row = tep_db_fetch_array($orders_sql) ) { $order_info = $order_row; // Converting encoding foreach ( $order_info as $key => $val ) { echo iconv_get_encoding($val); $order_info[$key] = iconv('ISO-8859-1', 'UTF-8', $val); } $order_info['customers_postcode'] = str_replace(' ', '', ( $order_info['delivery_postcode']) ? $order_info['delivery_postcode'] : $order_info['customers_postcode']); if ( strlen($order_info['customers_postcode']) > 5 ) { continue; } $t_name = ( $order_info['delivery_name'] ) ? $order_info['delivery_name'] : $order_info['customers_name']; // Receiver $root_receiver = new_node($root, 'receiver', array('rcvid' => $order_info['orders_id'])); if ( $order_info['customers_company'] ) { new_node($root_receiver, 'val', "name", $order_info['customers_company']); new_node($root_receiver, 'val', "address1", $t_name); new_node($root_receiver, 'val', "address2", ( $order_info['delivery_street_address'] ) ? $order_info['delivery_street_address'] : $order_info['customers_street_address'] ); } else { new_node($root_receiver, 'val', "name", $t_name); new_node($root_receiver, 'val', "address1", ( $order_info['delivery_street_address'] ) ? $order_info['delivery_street_address'] : $order_info['customers_street_address'] ); } new_node($root_receiver, 'val', "zipcode", $order_info['customers_postcode'] ); new_node($root_receiver, 'val', "city", ( $order_info['delivery_city'] ) ? $order_info['delivery_city'] : $order_info['customers_city']); new_node($root_receiver, 'val', "country", PACSOFT_COUNTRY); //new_node($root_receiver, 'val', "contact", $order_info['delivery_name']); new_node($root_receiver, 'val', "phone", $order_info['customers_telephone']); //new_node($root_receiver, 'val', "fax", ''); //new_node($root_receiver, 'val', "orgno", $order_info['']); //new_node($root_receiver, 'val', "doorcode", $order_info['']); //new_node($root_receiver, 'val', "email", $order_info['customers_email_address']); //new_node($root_receiver, 'val', "sms", $order_info['']); // Shipment $root_shipment = new_node($root, 'shipment', array('orderno' => $order_info['orders_id'])); new_node($root_shipment, 'val', "from", PACSOFT_SENDER_ID); new_node($root_shipment, 'val', "to", $order_info['orders_id']); //new_node($root_shipment, 'val', "freetext1", $order_info['']); //new_node($root_shipment, 'val', "freetext2", $order_info['']); //new_node($root_shipment, 'val', "freetext3", $order_info['']); //new_node($root_shipment, 'val', "freetext4", $order_info['']); new_node($root_shipment, 'val', "reference", $order_info['orders_id']); new_node($root_shipment, 'val', "referencebarcode", $order_info['orders_id']); // Shipment :: service $root_shipment_service = new_node($root_shipment, 'service', array('srvid' => PACSOFT_SHIPMENT_SERVICE_ID)); //new_node($root_shipment_service, 'val', "returnlabel", PACSOFT_RETURN_LABEL); //new_node($root_shipment_service, 'val', "sourcecode", $order_info['']); $root_shipment_service_addon = new_node($root_shipment_service, 'addon', array('adnid' => 'notltr')); if ( iconv('UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-1', $order_info['payment_method']) == 'Postförskott' ) { $root_shipment_service_addon = new_node($root_shipment_service, 'addon', array('adnid' => 'cod')); $orders_total_sql = tep_db_query("SELECT value FROM orders_total WHERE class = 'ot_total' AND orders_id = {$order_info['orders_id']}"); $orders_total = tep_db_fetch_array($orders_total_sql); new_node($root_shipment_service_addon, 'val', "amount", number_format($orders_total['value'], 2, '.', '')); //new_node($root_shipment_service_addon, 'val', "custno", $order_info['']); new_node($root_shipment_service_addon, 'val', "reference", $order_info['orders_id']); //new_node($root_shipment_service_addon, 'val', "misc", $order_info['']); } // Shipment :: ufonline //$root_shipment_ufonline = new_node($root_shipment, 'ufonline'); //$root_shipment_ufonline_option = new_node($root_shipment_ufonline, 'option', array('optid' => 'enot')); //new_node($root_shipment_ufonline_option, 'val', "message", $order_info['']); // Shipment :: container $root_shipment_container = new_node($root_shipment, 'container', array('type' => 'parcel')); new_node($root_shipment_container, 'val', "copies", 1); //new_node($root_shipment_container, 'val', "weight", $order_info['']); //new_node($root_shipment_container, 'val', "contents", 'stuff'); //new_node($root_shipment_container, 'val', "customssource", $order_info['']); //new_node($root_shipment_container, 'val', "customsunit", $order_info['currency']); //new_node($root_shipment_container, 'val', "customsvalue", number_format($order_info['currency_value'], 2)); //new_node($root_shipment_container, 'val', "statno", $order_info['']); // Appending all XML content to DOM object $dom->appendChild($root); } // Genereating output // Deleting old files in emprorary directory if (is_dir('pacsoft/files/')) { if ($dh = opendir('pacsoft/files/')) { // 3 days old timestamp $cur_time = time() - 24*60*60*3; while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if ( strpos($file, '.xml') ) { if ( (int)@filectime('pacsoft/files/' . $file) < $cur_time ) { unlink('pacsoft/files/' . $file); } } } closedir($dh); } } $file_xml = 'pacsoft/files/' . uniqid('pacsoft_order_') . '.xml'; $dom->save($file_xml); // Sending a file to user's browser for downloading header('HTTP/1.1 200 OK'); header('Status: 200 OK'); header('Accept-Ranges: bytes'); header('Content-Type: text/xml'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $file_xml . '"'); echo file_get_contents($file_xml); ?>

Posted by foobic, 01-16-2008, 07:02 PM
That makes me think perhaps your server is parsing the xml file as php (short_open_tag On) but that doesn't make sense with the program you've posted, since file_get_contents shouldn't be parsing the xml file anyway. It might be useful to check the headers in your browser (Firefox plugin "Live HTTP headers" is good for this).

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