Scheduling Software

Posted by raulgonzalez, 01-15-2008, 07:30 PM
Hello, Does anyone know of an opensource software like: officetracker or netsimplicity that is available for free. I've been looking all over the web for days and nothing. I found a couple but haven't been able to make them fit my needs. Please let me know if anyone knows of an existing program like that, but that is free or at leas not so expensive. Thanx

Posted by 01globalnet, 01-15-2008, 10:48 PM
With a quick look in OfficeTracker, I assume you need something like a calendar. You can check the following groupware / crm applications (more features than just a calendar) : - dotproject - phprojekt - openstar Also, all forums have a built-in calendar if you need something like that. And there is also (mail) MS Exchange or other collaboration systems like Zimbra.

Posted by host911, 01-16-2008, 01:56 AM
For me I use VTiger and you can have the option to Sync with outlook

Posted by Fulmine, 01-16-2008, 10:43 AM
Long time ago a friend of mine used Sugar CRM. It integrates e-mail and calendar information with Microsoft Outlook.

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