File Server Setup With do I choose the config for the server?

Posted by azn_romeo_4u, 04-22-2009, 02:03 PM
So I just want to use a server for file sharing, it will have nginx and that's it. I'm looking at centos, or freebsd, but I been using centos forever now and I'm not sure how to use freebsd, should I just stay with centos? Do I tell my hosting provider to just install the OS and give me ssh action and that's it? Don't install any control panels or any other stuff? I want one domain and one subdomain on it though and ftp action.

Posted by expressadmin, 04-22-2009, 02:14 PM
Stick with what you know. If you know CentOS, then stick with it. The additional learning curve of FBSD might be more than you are willing to take on at the moment. Granted the learning curve isn't huge, but just one less thing to deal with if you ask me. if you plan on using nginx then a control panel is certainly out. To my knowledge no major control panel supports it (although I wouldn't mind changing that... but that's a topic for another thread). Just get CentOS installed... and get the SSH access, and you are off to the races. Good luck.

Posted by azn_romeo_4u, 04-22-2009, 03:07 PM
Thank you have any advice on what type of configuration I would need? Since it will only be a file sharing, I won't need fast-cgi, php, mysql right? This should be pretty bear? Also does nginx even support ftp? I need to manaully upload files to the that possible?

Posted by expressadmin, 04-22-2009, 03:12 PM
Nginx is a webserver (among other functionality), not an FTP server. If you want an FTP server, install vsftpd from CentOS and set it up to store the files in the same location Nginx serves them from. Other than that... you shouldn't need much. Good luck.

Posted by azn_romeo_4u, 04-22-2009, 06:18 PM
I mean I need to upload files via ftp. I use filezilla ftp client. Can I connect to nginx with something like filezilla? I know it's a web server. Like how I have it right now on my server with apache. I use ftp to upload files to my website and stuff...can i upload files via a ftp client if I have nginx?

Posted by expressadmin, 04-22-2009, 06:25 PM
You are really missing my point... When you connect with an FTP client to the server, you are connecting to the FTP daemon, not the web server daemon. All the web server does is serve files from a given directory that you specify in the config of the server, it doesn't care how those files got there... So again... You connect to the server with an FTP client, you connect to the FTP server daemon (which is vsftpd on CentOS - at least what they offer in the yum repo). When you connect to the server with a web browser, you are connecting to nginx and it is just serving up what ever content that is in the directory you told it to serve up. Good luck, you are going to need it. I can tell.

Posted by squirrelhost, 04-22-2009, 06:28 PM
nginx has a 3rd-party 'upload module' - you need to write a form to use it (usual html). it's documented at: with a complete working example. so no ftp required if using this

Posted by azn_romeo_4u, 04-22-2009, 07:13 PM
Thanks. I just used filezilla ftp to connect to my server using ssh login and uploaded a file into the seemed to work. I think can do it that way...uploading via ssh. One other question... Only one directory? It can't be more than one directory? Yea I'm going to need it. I was gonna mess around on a new server, to see if I do it myself, if not just go to the pro's. Thank you. I will look into this, except I don't want to enable php or mysql or whatever that uses. I'm just looking for a way to upload files into the server.

Posted by dotHostel, 04-22-2009, 07:49 PM
I suggest you take a look at:

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