Create A Real Time Web Page

Posted by batulang, 08-14-2006, 06:34 AM
Hi Everybody, I was thinking is that possible to create a real time web page using server side script like php, asp or Scenarion is like this : ------------------------------------- 1 admin enter data using a web based control panel 1 member area that display some information that update by site admin periodically. let say members are viewing data A currently on the member area web page, Site Admin update data "A" into "B", the web page viewing by member automatically change to data "B". -------------------------------------- Is that possible to to it? Any Advice?

Posted by batulang, 08-14-2006, 06:45 AM
Sorry I post in wrong area, can admin help me to move this thread outside programming tutorial? thanks

Posted by, 08-14-2006, 06:49 AM
Presumably use could use a php with a mysql database so that you can enter the data and then set the user area to reload / refresh perodically. Hope that Helps

Posted by batulang, 08-14-2006, 06:55 AM
I want the web page only refresh when theres data updated. is that possible?

Posted by nsvr, 08-14-2006, 07:25 AM
you can do that with ajax.

Posted by battye, 08-14-2006, 07:49 AM
I am also interested in this. Could you provide a basic example nsvr? Any help is very muc appreciated!

Posted by dakitu, 08-21-2006, 04:39 AM
you can use any CMS. regards

Posted by mxdn, 09-09-2006, 04:06 AM
hrttp:// It is joomla CMS, you can use custom AJAX comonent. What you are asking is not possible from PHP because it is Server Side Programming it can only response you when User make requests, but AJAX has ability to perform, AJAX is nothing but Custom browsing. which refresh a special area in your webpage or whole page. for the Creitieria Specified. What you are saying REAL TIME then there is different Techologies. Like Macromedia Flash XML sockets, which connects to a server for XML data, and keep the connection alive, but for achieving this advance level. you need Java like webservers from where you can open server ports and run a serivce. * If you are newbie and just want a cheap solution then just learn and think about AJAX.

Posted by mxdn, 09-13-2006, 03:54 AM
i just see AJAX PORTAL please try it. you can search it in any search engine (popular) i think it may help you

Posted by sasha, 09-14-2006, 02:35 PM
I use something like that for administration interfaces for my sites that can be used by multiple users in a same time. You need database where you keep track on the last update time. When you generate the page you add that "last update time" to it. On page load you start making xmlhttprequests every 5 seconds that contact the script on your server that returns "last update time" mentioned above. When you detect that time that was embed in the page when it was created and the time that your server returns are not the same you show notice or force page reload or simply change the part of the page that was updated.

Posted by acidhoss, 10-03-2006, 02:29 AM
ajax is definitely the way to go with this. check out , it's got some good starter stuff, the tutorial's based on using ASP but you can use it with any language.

Posted by bigger_travis, 10-31-2006, 10:09 PM
i use ajax for this also.

Posted by lutan, 11-02-2006, 02:08 PM
Ajax just submit the http request to the server and using javascript in client's browser to update the specific area. Ajax can't do the job like wanted. It definitely needs socket open and keep alive, like some chat server does. When new chat message comes in from one user, the server pushes the message into other user's socket link. Thinking about instant messaging systems. That's the REAL time.

Posted by mikey1090, 03-04-2007, 09:25 AM
or ajax could request a php script, ehcih displays a value. if the value is A, and not B, the ajax could update the page. this could be ran every minute or so. no need to keep the conection alive

Posted by JRBHosting, 03-06-2007, 08:25 PM
I reccomend a combination usage of AJAX to request the PHP application, which will check a MySQL database. The admin section would update the MySQL section. The AJAX routine can be triggered automatically with the set_timeout(...) JavaScript command. Jason

Posted by ostudioo, 03-25-2007, 07:35 PM
I don't much about programming, but I can tell you for sure AJAX is very powerful. I run a lot of scripts created with AJAX.

Posted by bear, 03-25-2007, 09:42 PM
Moved out of tutorials and into programming discussion

Posted by nnormal, 03-26-2007, 04:34 PM

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