How to automaticaly download all files in a folder via FTP?

Posted by viettechorg, 05-07-2007, 03:41 AM
Hello there, I am having trouble with moving my files to another server. So i hope you guys can help me out. i have 1 servers, 1 hosting account (no ssh), both are using different control panel and i need to move all of the media files(movies) in the hosintg account to other server since hosting account contract will expire soon. So, i am thinking of using FTP to transfer multiple files using mget command for FTP. But the thing is i will need to be there any press enter( to accept download) for every single files to be download. Which is very time consuming since i have hundred of files to move. So my question is: 1/ is there a better way to move files in this situation? 2/ or Is there a shell script that i can use to download all of the file to my server without pressing enter accepting every single file? Thanks in advance

Posted by CD Burnt, 05-07-2007, 04:32 AM
you might be able turn off the prompting. do a search for mget prompt toggle

Posted by spaethco, 05-07-2007, 04:35 AM
I'd recommend using wget for this instead. You can use wget -r ftp://user:pass@hostname/directory/* to grab all the files from a directory and all directories under it.

Posted by bear, 05-07-2007, 06:55 AM
That (wget) would require shell, wouldn't it? He said he doesn't have it. A Google search shows some possible scripted options.

Posted by spaethco, 05-07-2007, 07:01 AM
His quoted statement and the fact that he's trying to use mget with FTP would seem to indicate he does indeed have shell access somewhere.

Posted by CD Burnt, 05-07-2007, 04:07 PM
i read it as "1 server" and "1 hosting account", and he wants to move files from a standard hosting account to his server

Posted by viettechorg, 05-07-2007, 11:52 PM
Thanks guy, Yes, i have shell on the server. I think i am going to use wget to move files. Much appreciated for all comments

Posted by tuxpack, 05-08-2007, 04:52 AM
Hi, Most webhosts disable wget for security reasons..I would suggest you to curl instead.

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