Auto Forward

Posted by reliablets, 03-26-2007, 12:53 PM
Hello, My reseller account gives my users the option of two different webbased email clients, squirrelmail and horde. I only want to have to support squirrelmail. I am using a custom login form for each client (basically just to look prettier than the standard IE login box). Is there any way, maybe using the php header command, automatically bypass the selection page and go right into squirrelmail? Thank you for any consideration! Joe

Posted by ANMMark, 03-26-2007, 01:13 PM
Joe, You can enter the actual option's URL to post to, rather than webmail in general. For example:

Posted by reliablets, 03-26-2007, 02:39 PM
For some reason it wont pass the variables on! I've tried everything. HEres what Ive got
Ive tried posting to login.php, index.php and / but none seem to work! All it does is ask for login credentials again.

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