Creating temp tables on disk... why?

Posted by Jcink, 05-07-2007, 09:50 PM
Hi, In phpMyAdmin I see this: Created_tmp_disk_tables 2,118 The number of temporary tables on disk created automatically by the server while executing statements. If Created_tmp_disk_tables is big, you may want to increase the tmp_table_size value to cause temporary tables to be memory-based instead of disk-based. Created_tmp_files 0 How many temporary files mysqld has created. Created_tmp_tables 5,637 The number of in-memory temporary tables created automatically by the server while executing statements. I have tried upping tmp_table_size but it's no use. My my.cnf file: This server has 1GB of RAM, not a dedicated sql server though. RAM usage is low too, 567MB of RAM is being used right now total... is there something I'm overlooking? Thanks, dan

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