changing register_globals from .htaccess will cause 500 Error when php run as CGI

Posted by mshannaq, 05-07-2007, 01:44 PM
Hello, Today I have a customer want to swich the register_globals on on his account ,,, i'm running PHPSuExec and running php as cgi not as Apache module , and as you know using php as cgi will cause internal error 500 if some one add php_flag register_globals on to .htaccess file. what is the soluation to switch register_globals on for his account only without using the .htaccess file. put in mind the php files that need the register_globals to be on is encrypted with zend , so we does not have access to it for modification. have any one have the soluation? Thanks,

Posted by Patrick, 05-07-2007, 01:47 PM
Have you tried creating a php.ini file under the directory and inserting the following: register_globals=On

Posted by mshannaq, 05-07-2007, 02:43 PM
yes i try to do it in php.ini register_globals=On but it seems that php.ini file in home directory ignored because nothing changed Thanks,

Posted by mshannaq, 05-07-2007, 03:00 PM
i sloved the problem by putting the php.ini in the folder that contaning php files not the the root folder for the customer account thanks

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