Need to Delete a Cronjob via SSH

Posted by epic1231, 03-23-2007, 11:12 AM
I have a cronjob that is still entered in my server, but due to my own lack of knowledge i deleted the domain from my server without removing the cronjob and now i keep getting the emails from my server I just need to know how to remove the cronjob via SSH, i logged in as Root to my SSH and then did crontab -l and I see the two cronjobs I want to remove, but can't find the code to do so anywhere via Google. There is 3 total that I want to remove but there is about 10 cronjobs setup there so i want to remove those three and make sure the other 7 stay running as they should. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance, Bill

Posted by Burhan, 03-23-2007, 11:37 AM
man crontab crontab -e

Posted by innova, 03-23-2007, 12:17 PM
Or for the truly adventurous, check out /var/spool/cron

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