litespeed standard 150 connect limit, high enough?

Posted by aww, 05-04-2007, 03:12 PM
How can I tell if the 150 connection limit in 3.1 litespeed is enough to replace my current apache configuration? Apparently it used to be 300 in their 2.x version which I am sure would be more than I need but at 150 I am not so particular. Is there any way to grab/graph my peak connections? I've never seen it more than double digits when I check netstat manually, but of course that's not guaranteed to be peak. Litespeed was beautifully easy to add to my cpanel setup, I can't walk away from that - I really like the way it looks and feels. Might help me eek by with the VPS troubles I am having and bad neighbors.

Posted by cywkevin, 05-04-2007, 10:25 PM
If you start hitting max connections increase it. If you never hit max connections it's fine.

Posted by tsj5j, 05-04-2007, 10:44 PM
Yup, just test to see if it hits for a day or so. Placing too high a limit allows for a DDoS to have more impact.

Posted by ImZan, 05-05-2007, 12:14 AM
You should be able to check the lightspeed graphs that are shown in the administrative panel. For our clients on budget servers, the 150 client limit is more than enough on for their popular sites. Clients on VPS and on budget servers have noticed that they could get more users using the sites using same setup.

Posted by aww, 05-05-2007, 09:07 AM
I gave it a go and I must say litespeed is amazing. It's not *quite* a drop-in replacement, there were some non-trivial things that had to be figured out and tweaked, and some htaccess rewrite rules made it behave strangely (even in 3.1) but once we sorted those out - wow. The memory drop over apache is astounding. I've not seen a huge drop in page serving times but it is definitely measureable at 100-250ms. What is also measureable is that during the load spike problem that we are having with our host right now, it will actually get pages through, where apache would take over 10 seconds and/or never deliver the page at all. I think the 150 limit will be fine but will know better after a couple of peak afternoons. It frees up on static objects so quickly that perhaps 150 on litespeed = 200+ on apache. Also litespeed says linux will backlog 200 more connections internally before things start failing.

Posted by layer0, 05-05-2007, 04:25 PM
Glad to see your experience with LiteSpeed has been as good as ours. Excellent software. Once you switch from Apache, you'll never look back.

Posted by aww, 05-06-2007, 04:37 PM
It really is impressive. If you report problems or ideas, they fix/add them very quickly (like a day or two). I'm still working out a few problems with it but it's well worth the investment in time to learn the subtle differences. Oh and to answer my own question I haven't seen connects go above double digits yet. Still wish it had the 300 limit but I guess I can survive with 150.

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