WHM to point site to home server

Posted by kiwami, 05-04-2007, 12:19 PM
whats up fellers, i'm attempting to point my design site name from whm, to my home i.p address by changing the i.p in whm dns zone editor. I'm doing this because its just so much easier to copy an ad, or web site or whatever i do to the server via my home network so the client can see the project pretty much in realtime (some ads are like 800mb) . ALSO i'm trying to set up exchange so my motorola q will have realtime email. Anyway, so "mysite.com -A record -i.p.addy" Now the site comes up.. and i get emails.. but i cant 'send' any emails and windows server is telling me i have a non existing domain name. so the question is am going way over my head and should i just use a service like no-ip or dyndns or can this be done ? Thanks

Posted by bin_asc, 05-05-2007, 07:40 AM
does your mail domain have a mx entry and a good url ?

Posted by kiwami, 05-06-2007, 04:32 PM
pardon my 'noviceness' but i belive i do.. "mail" record type "cname" "mysite.com" "mysite.com" record type "mx" "0" "mysite.com" so i think that was yes. wow.. mail is definately coming in though (and what a lot of junk lol)

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