NT vs Linux

Posted by Thebeginner, 09-15-2001, 07:15 AM
hi guys can somebody explain me the following: What is the difference between a nt server and linux server?What can you do on a nt server that you cannot do on a linux server ? 10x

Posted by {NIRMANI}, 09-15-2001, 11:07 AM
Certainly this is a wide topic which cannot be covered in a single post or even a single tread; Naturally everything has its pros & cons as it's the same here also. But for some technologies like ASP you need Windows based systems as ASP is designed for that. For web hosting I really feel going for unix based systems coz they are much reliable than windows which is a proven fact in this industry. Personally I feel the same; I like Linux

Posted by Honu, 09-15-2001, 04:29 PM
Aloha as Nirmani said it can not be covered in one post. the thing to do would be do a lot of readin on the net about linux and windows 2000/nt hosting windows hosting will have a more graphical interface to use but it can be a bit more money to get a win2k server going as you will need a popserver for the email. also there are soem issues with the ftp where if you offer a lot of ftp you will need to get a ftp program to run on your server end. both have there pros and cons remember this Linux is free and has a command line interface that you will have to use to get the most out of it. the savings grace here is they make graphical interfaces called control panels a few flavors of these webmin,cpanel,plesk,ensim(appliance) this will make the server easier to setup virtual accounts etc... linux/apache also has many modules so expanding it to add new things is usually all free (the control panels cost you money but are not needed) if you want to get into hosting I would say do this if you want to start building up a business get areseller account and start getting people that way the host takes care of the server for you. now to learn if you have a extra computer great if not well either get swappable HD bays or get your self a basic 2nd puter to have and load up linux on it and Windows2000 (if you have a lic for it) and just start playing to learn the dif of the two

Posted by bluebeard, 09-26-2001, 02:44 PM
Alot of newbies are not sure about Linux, when windows is so much easier to manage. I was not sure about Linux at first, but I did like the idea of it and now I love it.

Posted by {NIRMANI}, 09-26-2001, 10:42 PM
Hey dont forget there are people who born with Linux,live with Linux, eat with Linux, die with Linux Anyway I feel Win2k was a better product from Microsoft ( It seems that I have started to love Microsoft )

Posted by Haisoft, 09-27-2001, 10:48 AM
Linux is not harder to use than NT, NT prices more, is slower than linux and most programs in the server domain work best on linux. Linux exepts php, asp, perl-cgi, mysql but just doesn't accept files that only run on NT ex : access database, .exe programs etc... But a mysql database and php4 or perl are enough to to everything. Most free scripts are ment for linux as there are alot more people who have got a site on a linux server (it's like the difference between MAC and PC, MAC's where faster but more people used PC's so everyone chose a PC (exchanging prog, buying prog is made alot easier). With NT your server will be down more often than Linux . Richard

Posted by Honu, 09-27-2001, 01:30 PM
Aloha just one thought to the above post from haisoft ASP works very poor on linux it should stay on NT again choosing a tool for a job is more important than which one becuase someone else is using it. COM stuff on win2k can be pretty cool for working with clients that rely on MS office a lot. I would say lean toward Linux flavor though if you are not going to use any of the win2k/nt offerings. it will be more secure and stable adn less $$$$. if you develop for office type business or one with people that use MS office you may want to give win2k a look

Posted by {NIRMANI}, 09-27-2001, 01:38 PM
Did you mean Chilisoft ASP???? Could you pls post any experience with it if not ( Coz I heard that ChiliASP is very good for mid & low scale ASP sites) Thanks all

Posted by Honu, 09-27-2001, 01:57 PM
Aloha yeah Chilisoft it works OK for basic stuff but really not meant as a solution more of a patch to me to get people over. to me it is like running Apache on NT ??? WHy why not just run apache on Linux ? I say let asp stay MS as the chili even needs a mail compnent to do CDO and chili does not work with pretty much all the asp compnents which to me is what makes asp cool ?? and the fact it will never interact with MS office stuff and its upcoming Portal services which look super cool. a few of my clients want this kind of stuff that is why I am leaning toward asp. it will do what I want the easiest way. I guess to me that PHP on Linux is much stronger than ASP on linux so why go with the weaker one use PHP if you are not interacting with office docs or wanting particular asp features hoppe that helps

Posted by ckpeter, 09-27-2001, 02:30 PM
You might want to also check out FreeBSD. After doing some research, I am convinced that FreeBSD is much better than Linux(too bad I got a Redhat server before doing the research...). Plus there is a Linux compatiblity mode, so most things on Linux will also run on FreeBSD. If you just go on to freebsd.org and check out some of the links, I am sure you will agree. The only problem with FreeBSD in hosting is that very little control panel supports it.(Plesk does). Peter

Posted by mithilesh, 09-28-2001, 03:04 PM
You can customize your linux o/s by script coding but in case of Windows NT it is not possible. Last edited by mithilesh; 09-28-2001 at 03:13 PM.

Posted by mahinder, 09-28-2001, 04:27 PM
i think windows 2000 is stable these days except those IIS holes etc etc. anyway LINUX is born stable and hacker proof and contains very rear security holes. but now days corporate are concentrating on windows due to its large user base and Microsoft productivity supports. Also it is my experience that it is easy to find developer for windows platform then linux platform and also developers cost more for linux platform. This is true here in India I don't know about other countries.

Posted by ckpeter, 09-28-2001, 04:35 PM
Tha'ts not true, there is active scripting in Windows(which is actually more extensible than Linux's). Plus you old DOS batch files. Unless you mean kernel hacking, than no, windows doesn't come with source code. Peter

Posted by {NIRMANI}, 09-28-2001, 04:45 PM
Windows is the prime choice here in Sri Lanka also; Sometimes I feel that ISPs & Banks are the only people using *nix A lot of mid & small scale firms do not even consider linux solutions & developers for Microsoft products much easier to find; Yep, they are everywhere I even find very difficult to have a good mySQL developer for small projects Guess Microsoft loves south asia.

Posted by Honu, 09-28-2001, 05:00 PM
hmmmm you stick redhat up there without applying patches you are hacked in minutes ??? ;0 I still say a good secure box is a good secure box linux to you have to apply patches updates etc... just as you do win2k boxes so to me the security issues are just apples to oranges I have said in other posts a good win2k person can make a win2k box more secure than a linux box if that linux person does not know what they are doing and vice versa. I agree with the other part about linux people being mroe available and ususally less expensive to hire. just my thoughts

Posted by mahinder, 10-01-2001, 04:22 PM
i given classified in paper for job of web developer and was unable to find any php + mysql programmer. hardly 1-2 candidates was knowing PHP. While 100% was familiar with ASP + access. Personally i don't like my programs to run on windows servers so i am planning to convert ASP programmers into PHP programmers. What to do ?

Posted by Honu, 10-02-2001, 01:37 AM
Aloha yeah I agree with ya on the asp side of things totaly a lot more php vbasice people out ther than ther are php people I guess I meant strictly good at running dedicated servers and that there are more mcse most likely but very few with true web server backgrounds if that makes sense ??? so I to am leanig toward asp stuff to learn more adn CF (have been doing cf basics for 2 years) I guess access ya can always upsize to SQL which is what I would do again to agree with you programers yes true good admins ?? hmmm what do you think ???

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