Seem Internet Solutions gone down?

Posted by Jollyjohn, 09-11-2001, 07:41 PM appear to have disappeared, taking my reseller package with them. Any news, anyone?

Posted by mahinder, 09-12-2001, 03:27 PM
what do you mean by gone ?. was they in WTC ?. but there address does not appears to be at NY. i am confused ?

Posted by Jollyjohn, 09-12-2001, 03:29 PM
Nothing to do with WTC, they are UK based UK host. As it happens they have now reappeared after a few days absence.

Posted by Morgan Harvey, 10-01-2001, 03:01 PM
I have seen seen's (no pun intended!) reseller package, it looks ok, is it any good? Thanks in advance

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