JaguarPC reselling program?

Posted by Snoopy, 09-28-2001, 11:22 PM
Hi, I am looking for a good reseller program. Preferably, it would offer the possibility of registering both ASP/VBScript/SQL Server and PHP/MySQL accounts at less than $20 US/month for a low-end setup; however I have not found anyone that provides that combo in an affordable all-in-one package, so I figure it might not be a bad idea to just sign up with two separate hosting companies. On the PHP side, I've been hosted by for a few months now. Overall, the support has been great (even though I'm currently only on the "Budget" plan), although there was some annoying downtime a couple of months ago as they were moving their servers around. Their reselling plan seems reasonable at $29.95/month for the main reseller account. Does anyone here have a reseller account at jaguar? Comments, positive or otherwise? Thanks in advance!

Posted by kb@iy-2, 09-30-2001, 08:57 PM
I just signed up with them (for a reseller account) about 20mins. ago. If anything is exeptionally good or bad with them I'll tell you. - kb

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