Hosting With support for MS SBS 4.5?

Posted by SimonC, 09-29-2001, 09:26 AM
Does anyone know of a reseller package with support for Microsoft Small Business Server? In certain the SBSETRN mail command. I have potential to offer hosting to a large number of clients if I can offer this feature. Thanks Simon

Posted by, 09-30-2001, 10:34 AM
Are you just looking for someone who can do ETRN? I have used SBS and it seems that is the only component that you would need.

Posted by SimonC, 09-30-2001, 01:02 PM
Yes ETRN is the same as SBSETRN. I've not come across any hosting services todate apart from XO who offer true SMTP support for SBS 4.5 with a fixed IP address. I would go with XO but support is attrocious and they are costly.

Posted by, 09-30-2001, 08:07 PM
Hello Simon, Most hosts can offer ERTN mail queue retrieval for your SBS server All they would need is your static IP address of the SBS server. Hope that helps!

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