Reselling SSL certificates

Posted by luxor, 09-28-2001, 11:11 AM
Hi: Does anyone know which company is the most competitive in terms of reselling SSL certificates? Tucows has them wholesale for $99. Equifax/Geotrust has them cheaper ($89 and down depending on volume) but you have to buy them in bulk in advance. Do any other companies offer a turn-key system like Tucows, but for less than $99? Lux

Posted by {NIRMANI}, 09-28-2001, 01:49 PM offered one for $75; But I guess that offer is over now NB: VB code disabled in sigs; Pls consider removing them No price info on sigs toooo Last edited by {NIRMANI}; 09-28-2001 at 02:09 PM.

Posted by ksstudio, 09-28-2001, 02:05 PM

Byla tato odpověď nápomocná?

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