Cronjob issue

Posted by CymraegWalesHosting, 11-16-2012, 11:25 PM
Hi all, Hopefully this is a simple fix. I have created a very simple cron sciption that has the following command: However when i execute this via a cron.. I get the simple message: /root/ line 1: tethereal: command not found However when i run this when i'm logged in via SSH (root) it runs no problem. Any ideas?

Posted by zoid, 11-17-2012, 04:06 AM
Path issue I guess, try full paths.

Posted by syleishere, 11-17-2012, 05:36 AM
Add this to top of your crontab: PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/root:. and make sure tethereal is maybe not spelled wrong, perhaps its "ethereal"

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