P2V migration

Posted by webservermatrix, 04-23-2009, 06:41 AM
Hi, We have 2 servers SQL, Web & SM 4.x each with and have about 40 sites and we wish to migrate them to Virtual sever for the ease of management & some cost saving. We are thinking of taking good configuration box with Win2k8 server and planning to run VMs over Hyper-V. can you please provide any useful resources and also if you could recommend good hardware. Thank you

Posted by LoganNZ, 04-23-2009, 08:57 AM
Are you going colo? I suggest dell if your going to lease, or supermicro server hardware series for custom servers. How much load are they really under? VM host box's - raid 5/10 quadcore/multiple-cpu boards. SATA/SCSI drives. Also at least 18GB of RAM.

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