Setup extra mailserver for newsletters

Posted by dream_th, 06-29-2008, 12:22 PM
Hi, I have problems to express with my english but i hope i can describe my problem. Here is the situation, i have a webserver (mailserver) already running example now i want to buy extra server that will be used only to send newsletter to members of Is it possible to do it? Also i dont want to break the existing mailserver as it is used by staff so this new server has to operate independently but of course this has to appear and has to be legitimate. One of my idea is to setup a subdomain for lets say and point to a new server but again how it will appear if i send email from when its subdomain!? Any help, idea will be very appreciated. Thank you

Posted by activelobby4u, 06-29-2008, 12:49 PM
You can simple add a new domain , say and give another mail server as MX. Once done setup a mailing list say and add each of your member mail address to it.

Posted by webcs, 06-29-2008, 02:08 PM
Why would you need to send the newsletter using the same domain name? Dont think we have the whole story here. Can we have more details. Cause it would be simple to just buy and setup a new domain for the new server otherwise.

Posted by dream_th, 06-29-2008, 04:51 PM
I want that emails go through main domain name lets say because thats the company policy and members subscribe to that company ( that is why it is important that domains are maintained as they are. Of course if it is not possible then i have to go through subdomain option. But any input here would be welcome. I know it would be easier that i buy and setup new domain rather than complicate things but im asked to find options. Thank you

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