WordPress sitemap plugin problem or no ?

Posted by SimonDevise, 11-06-2012, 05:25 AM
I have use WordPress sitemap plugin 2-3 month, but I have seen this only yesterday - What the last mean? I understood that there must be taxonomy_category.php , but now it's not available . How can I fix this ?

Posted by TouchSupport, 11-07-2012, 02:39 PM
How many posts/pages are you attempting to index? Some information online suggests that sites over 50,000 posts in size run into issues with such plugins.

Posted by SimonDevise, 11-08-2012, 04:52 AM
No there isn't 50,000 posts . I have nearly 1 500 posts and pages.

Posted by creativelogy, 11-16-2012, 02:19 AM
taxonomy_category.php this file is delete or miss so please reinstall in plugin.

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