Redirecting a subdomain to a folder on the main domain?

Posted by Max Renn, 11-12-2012, 02:46 AM
Hi all I hope someone can help me with this. Do any of you know how I can redirect a subdomain to a folder on the main domain? I need to use a wildcard for the domain. For example: If someone goes to they should get redirected to If someone goes to they should get redirected to I do not know what the domains will be, so I need to use a wildcard or some sort of SERVER_NAME variable in place of domain1 and domain2. Thank you!

Posted by MikeDVB, 11-12-2012, 03:09 AM
It's do-able with mod_rewrite, or you can point the domain to the same location and have your script check and redirect.

Posted by Max Renn, 11-12-2012, 03:49 AM
Thanks for the reply. I have been trying to get it to work with mod_rewrite but I am having no luck. Would you know what I need to put in the .htaccess file? Thanks

Posted by File1eu, 11-12-2012, 03:18 PM
It can be done, although it took us some time to figure out. This is what we have in .htaccess. Replace with your domain name. Configure Apache to listen on a wildcard address like this: You also need access to your DNS records. It's important that you put this entry at the end, after all the other records. Replace with the IP address of your website and replace with the domain name of your website. Example:

Posted by Max Renn, 11-13-2012, 10:48 AM
Thank you so much! You are a very helpful person.

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