Can't upload via php script

Posted by JohnDoe_Cro, 06-28-2008, 01:58 PM
Hello all, I am having problems on my server... I can't upload files via php script because of a time out... when i upload files that take 2-3 min upload i get timeout... everything under that is normaly uploaded ... execution time is set to 3000 .. same problem again.. file size limit set over 200MB ... (trying to upload 20-30MB) ... timeout... etc... some sudgestions? thank you!

Posted by activelobby4u, 06-28-2008, 03:07 PM
linux or windows ?

Posted by JohnDoe_Cro, 06-28-2008, 03:17 PM
linux, centOS 5

Posted by greg2007, 06-28-2008, 03:41 PM
Both Apache and PHP have timeout limits. If you are uploading a 20MB file through HTTP, how long it takes depends on your host/server etc. But you might want to investigate your apache.conf and the php.ini. If you don't have access to these (or importantly, don't know what you're doing) then contact your server host.

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