Domain names diferent servers.

Posted by shakybaky, 06-26-2008, 02:34 PM
hello i have two nix vps's One of the vps is setup and running 2 ips, a nameserver and with whm/cpanel on a centos5 system. The other vps is just hypervm with lxadmin panel and one ip. I have nameservers setup on vps1 and all domains work. I would now like to add a domain name to the other vps and use the first servers nameserver. The second vps only has one ip so i wasnt able to setup the domain name there. Is there a guide on how to setup domain names accross two servers with one namesserver. I tried a few options but nothing seems to work. what do i need to do in whm I already added the domain name to the second vps, i just dont know how to get it to point to first vps and first vps point to domain name. I know how to work whm but am very new to lxadmin(only two weeks)

Posted by Lsupport, 06-27-2008, 02:27 AM
You can achieve this in two simple steps 1. Point your domain name servers to vps1 with domain registrar. 2.Add A record for domain in vps1 which is pointing to vps2

Posted by david510, 06-27-2008, 02:55 AM
If the domain is using the the vps1 nameservers and since it has cpanel, just a zone file for the domain from the WHM with the IP of the second server. Once this is done the domain will be pointing to the second server and you need to setup the hosting account there. You should make sure the domain is configured on the correct IP in the second server.

Posted by shakybaky, 06-28-2008, 01:03 PM
ok so im still lost. I tried setting it up as you specified. I tried lsupports way and davids way. I am still not able to get it to function properly. I followed what you recommended to do but for some reason i am seeing a cpanel page. I went to vps1(whm) added a zone which points to vps2 and i went to domain registra and pointed domain names to vps1 nameservers. I went to vps2 and created an account and added aname pointing to ip of vps2 The problem is vps1 is a whm server. vp2 is lxadmin. Well after i set everything up when i type in the domain name i still end up at the vps1 it wont send me to vps2. how do i setup vps2 correctly. I tried new anames new zones dnstemplate, everything i could think of. But still points somewhere else. I have tried to set it up a few different ways this week but nothing is working.

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