Intel Xeon Processor??

Posted by SharonB, 03-30-2008, 02:25 PM
Good Day to all of you.. Hmm.. Well I'm just new here in this forum and i would like to ask a question for the Computer Master out there.. I live in the Philippines, not long time a time ago while I'm surfing the net i find this site where it has a price list for the parts of a computer and i saw an Intel Xeon processor and it's priced is affordable to me.. Hmm.. My question now is it Ok to buy this processor? because some of my I.T. friends here tell me that it is for Server based processor only and it is not suitable for PC HOME USER.. I need your comment on this before i buy it? ASAP.. Thankzs..

Posted by RBBOT, 03-30-2008, 03:01 PM
A Xeon processor will only fit in a server motherboard. For a home PC (one that has a "socket 775"), you want a Core 2 processor.

Posted by Rageki-John, 03-30-2008, 03:47 PM
Xeon will only work for server motherboards and if you tried using server parts for your personal computer it would be a waste of money. If you are looking for a good processor I would recommend a Core 2 Duo or a Core 2 Quad for personal use instead.

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